About Our Farm

From our farm gate to your plate

Bedw from the Farmgate is a family farm and farmshop, producing eggs, meat, preserves, honey, fruit and vegetables, blankets and sheepskins, from our rare breed pedigree flocks, herds, orchards and kitchen gardens in Llangrannog and Brongest, West Wales.

The farm has been in the family for over 100 years. We still farm in a traditional, sustainable, non-intensive way, with the highest standards of animal welfare, to produce the best quality food and produce.

We are very proud of our traditional ethical farming methods and our ability to work with and support many other Small Local and British Artisan Businesses.

Bedw Welsh Black Cow

Our Animals

Our pedigree Welsh black cattle are a small, native and quiet breed, but thrive in the wet and often windy weather. They mature on grass over thirty months, which develops a distinguished and intense flavour. The extreme weather also produces a thick leather hide, which we have made into hair on hide rugs and cushions.

The Sheep

Our Hampshire Down sheep also thrive really well on our lowland pasture, producing succulent, sticky and tasty early spring lamb, hogget and mutton. We usually lamb our Hampshires in December and our crosses in early Spring.
They give soft cream wool with a natural dark fleck, which is perfect for sheepskins, blankets and cushions. They provide soft sheepskins too which are organically tanned.

Our Pigs

We keep Berkshire pigs, which are a rare breed traditional pig, small in size, gentle in nature and provide the tastiest pork, crackling bacon, sausages  and hams . We are part of pig conservation and keep several blood lines to try and secure their future. Berkshires will produce two litters of approximately 8-10 piglets a year.

The Poultry

We keep egg laying and table birds, duck and chicken. They free range out on the paddocks and orchard. Eggs are available from the shop and through our local delivery.  Chicken is currently available from the shop and will be added to the website soon.

Duck And Turkey

We also keep Table ducks and Turkeys. These are currently available from our farm shop and will be added to the website soon. We also have our free range cooked and sliced turkey available from the shop.


Our Shop

Our farm shop is situated in a converted barn at our farm gate, on the outskirts of Llangrannog.
Along with our own eggs, meat, fruit, veg and honey, we sell local organic bread, cakes, butter, cheese and yoghurt, sheeps cheese, flowers, some basic supplies, homeware and gifts.
We hope to provide you with an alternative way to shop and really hope you enjoy our produce and the experience.
You can find us at Farmgate, Llanagrannog,
SA44 6AH

By purchasing from us, you are helping support over 50 local small businesses. We really appreciate you supporting our rural community.

We are currently working behind the scenes on expanding the range we can offer you. We have pork pies, more cooked and cure meats and ready meals made with our own produce in the pipeline.
we are really grateful to @businesswales and @cywain and @foodcentrewales for all the support they are providing us to build our business.


We are really delighted that our abbatoir is local to us and provides am amazing service causing our animals the minimum of stress. We are also supported by local butchers Mark Webb who makes for us our bacon, sausages, faggots, burgers and meatballs. He traditionally smokes our hams and bacon and works with us to ensure our products are GM free and have minimal preservatives in them. All our burgers, sausages etc are also Gluten free.
Postance Poultry kindly process or free range ducks & chickens for us. We are fortunate as they are very close to us therefore reducing any stress caused to our animals.



welcome to the farm shop
Farmgate runner ducks
sleeping pigs
Shopping Basket